New Delhi: The Supreme Court on Thursday stayed the Uttarakhand High Court's order that had directed for the removal of around 5000 unauthorised occupants from the Railway land, adjoining Haldwani Railway station. The court called it a "human issue" and said that 50,000 people cannot be uprooted overnight.
The bench comprising Justice Sanjay Kishan Kaul and Justice Abhay S Oka issued notice to the state and adjourned the hearing for February 7. "In the meantime, there shall be stay of the impugned order that also has to be coupled with further occupation of land," ordered the court. "There can not be uprooting of people overnight...we do believe that a workable arrangement is necessary to segregate people who may have no rights in the land.... coupled with schemes of rehabilitation which may already exist while recognising the need of the Railways," the bench said.
ASG Aishwarya Bhati appearing for the railways had argued before the court that 4365 occupants were there and it's not a process that's been done in haste but something that has been going on for a long time. "But there are people who have been there for 50 years," said Justice Oka.
The top court observed that the authorities have to find a "practical way out". "There are multiple angles arising from the nature of the land, ownership of the land, the nature of rights conferred....," it said, adding, "We are trying to tell you, find out some solution. This is a human issue."
The bench observed that Additional Solicitor General Aishwarya Bhati, who appeared for the railways, has emphasised on the needs of the railways. It said the moot point to be considered would be the stand of the state government also as to whether the complete land is to vest in the railways or the state is claiming a part of it.
The bench said, apart from that, there are issues of occupants claiming rights on the land as lessees or leasehold or auction purchases. The high court had on December 20 last year ordered demolition of constructions over alleged encroached railway land at Banbhoolpura in Haldwani. It had directed that a week's notice be given to the encroachers after which the encroachments should be demolished.