Rudrapur (Uttarakhand): The Udham Singh Nagar Police and SOG team have arrested two accused with fake currency worth more than Rs 22 lakhs. The accused had come to Kashipur from Bijnor to dispose of fake currency. The police have also recovered equipment for printing fake notes from the accused. The SSP has constituted a committee to investigate the entire matter. The police are preparing to present the accused in court.
Disclosing the matter, SSP Manjunath TC said that the SOG team had received information that two people were coming to Kashipur to dispose of fake notes. SOG and Kashipur police station raided near Dhela bridge and detained two accused. During the search, 4,417 fake notes of Rs 500 denomination were recovered from the accused.
How they made fake notes
During police interrogation, the accused were identified as Rajendra alias Raju Barrage Colony, Bijnor and Buta Singh, residents of Bijnor. The accused Rajendra said that in collaboration with Buta Singh, he prints fake notes of five hundred rupees from stamp paper in the CHC centre.