Rudrapur (Uttarakhand):A man, who allegedly indulged in committing cyber frauds since 2014, was arrested, police said on Thursday. According to police, three mobiles, five SIM cards, six debit cards, and four chequebooks have been recovered from the accused.
Cyber Police Circle Officer Kumaon Sumit Kumar Pandey said Chetanya Kishore, a resident of Bhimtal, was duped to the tune of Rs. 35 lakhs in the name of TDS by posing as a fake RBI employee from January to October. "He approached the police, following which, we probed the matter. We found the accused had used pre-activated mobile SIM cards allotted in the name of other persons," a senior police official said.
"The accused obtained funds, which were deposited in various bank accounts of Morena in Madhya Pradesh and Etawah in Uttar Pradesh. The money from these accounts has been withdrawn from various ATM machines in Noida, Delhi, and Haryana," added the senior police official.