Dehradun: Uttarakhand Higher Education Minister Dhan Singh Rawat said on Friday said ISRO's Chandrayaan missions will be made part of the school syllabus in the state. "Chandrayaan-3 mission has made the world realise the talent of India's scientists. We have decided to introduce the ISRO's Chandrayaan missions in the school curriculum from class 6-12 to inculcate a scientific temper among our students," Rawat said.
According to the minister, ISRO's lunar missions — Chandrayaan-1, Chandrayaan-2 and Chandrayaan-3 — will be included in the school curriculum. India's Moon mission Chandrayaan-3 touched down on the lunar south pole on August 23.
Rawat also said 20 government colleges in Uttarakhand will be re-equipped with new infrastructure and developed as research-based model colleges under the National Education Policy 2020. New PG blocks will also be created for Arts and Science faculties in six selected government colleges under the plan.