Dehradun: Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami on Thursday said the first step towards introducing Uniform Civil Code (UCC) in Uttarakhand has been taken as the state cabinet has given its nod to set up a committee to draft it. Addressing the 63rd foundation day of the Indian Institute of Petroleum (IIP) here which coincided with Ambedkar Jayanti, Dhami said there is a provision for UCC for all citizens in Article 44 of the Constitution and even the Supreme Court has endorsed its introduction in its rulings from time to time.
"Keeping our pre-poll promise, we cleared a proposal to constitute a committee to draft Uniform Civil Code at the very first meeting of our cabinet," the chief minister said. The committee consisting of legal experts and other stakeholders will take into consideration everyone's view and coordinate with all sections before drafting it, he said. "We need Uniform Civil Code as we share our borders with two countries. Every family in Uttarakhand has someone in the armed forces. Uttarakhand is also a cultural and spiritual centre," he said.