Chamoli: A body that drowned in Raini village during Chamoli Floods is recovered in Tapovan Tunnel on Monday. The region was hit by the flood on February 7, 2021. The body has been identified as 21-year-old Rohit Bhandari, a resident of Kimana village of Joshimath block. The police handed over the body to the relatives after conducting the postmortem.
Earlier, on February 16, the body of Gaurav Prasad was also found inside the tunnel.
A total of 137 bodies have been recovered out of 205 people missing in the Raini disaster, so far. Hundreds of workers working in the Tapovan tunnels of the 520 MW hydroelectric project under construction by National Thermal Power Corporation Limited (NTPC) were buried alive in the disaster on February 7 last year.
The SDRF and NDRF had searched for the dead bodies for several months.
Also Read: Family rescued from flooded river in Uttarakhand