Dehradun:Uttarakhand's Pushkar Singh Dhami-led government instructed the police personnel to strictly act against cow smugglers and book them under the gangster act. According to the Uttarakhand police, to curb illegal transportation and smuggling, the Uttarakhand police will now register cases against cow smugglers under the Gangster Act.
DGP Ashok Kumar directed SPs of all the districts and said that strict action should be taken against all the accused, who violated Cow Protection Act 2007 under the Gangster Act. The government has also launched a scheme for unemployed people and formed a Cow Protection Committee, which will protect and nurture stray cows. The government will invest Rs 1 crore for the protection of stray cows while the members of the committee will be paid Rs 5,000 per month. Dhami said that unemployed people of the villages will be addressed as 'Gau Sevaks' under the government's Cow Protection Scheme each member will be responsible for at least four to five cows and will be paid at least Rs 900 per animal.