Dehradun: In the wake of the land subsidence issue in Uttarakhand's Joshimath, the Cabinet on Friday announced an interim relief of Rs 45 crore for affected families. Whereas, the rent allowance has also been increased to Rs 5,000 from Rs 4,000. The Cabinet meeting was chaired by Uttarakhand Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami on Thursday with all the stakeholders at the ITBP camp to discuss several important issues, including compensation.
The CM said that the safety of the citizens is the biggest responsibility. He instructed everyone to ensure all arrangements for the safety of the people, a release from the Chief Minister's office said. The CM also interacted with the scientists of various establishments engaged in the investigation of landslides and enquired about the causes of landslides in Joshimath. During the meeting, scientists informed the CM about the investigation done so far. "I have met everyone and assured people that the administration is with the people of Joshimath. We will help everyone," CM Pushkar Dhami told the media after the meeting. He said, "It is our priority to lay the way forward for those affected while protecting their lives and property", an official statement added.