Haridwar: On the instructions of Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami, flowers were showered on Shiv Bhakt Kanwariyas, from a helicopter in Haridwar on Friday. Haridwar District Magistrate Vinay Shankar Pandey and Senior Superintendent of Police Dr. Yogendra Rawat made arrangements for the flower show.
Meanwhile, a big piece of polythene came flying close to the main rotor blade of the helicopter. There would have been a major accident if the polythene somehow touched the rotor blade. However, no one paid attention to the fact that the chopper should be kept flying up at a certain height. When the polythene flew near the rotor blade, the chopper was flying very low. A slight mistake in welcoming the Kanwariyas could have cost the lives of so many people, but fortunately, nothing untoward happened.