Auraiya (Uttar Pradesh):In a heart-wrenching incident, a youth was compelled to carry the dead body of his sister on a motorcycle after hospital authorities could not provide an ambulance to him in Uttar Pradesh's Auraiya district. The incident took place at the Bidhuna Community Health Center (CHC) on Wednesday morning. Two doctors posted at the health centre were removed on Wednesday.
Chief Medical Officer Dr Shishir Kumar Verma said an investigation was carried out and action was taken against the superintendent of the health centre located in Bidhuna, Dr Avichal Pandey, and Dr Kriparam, who was posted there. The decision was taken on instructions from Uttar Pradesh Health Minister and Deputy Chief Minister Brajesh Pathak, Verma said.
The deceased was identified as Anjali (20), daughter of Prabal Pratap Singh, a resident of Naveen Basti West, who was electrocuted after she accidentally touched an immersion rod used to heat water. The young woman was rushed to the hospital where she was declared dead by doctors. Following this, the youth was seen crying and holding his sister's dead body in his arms. There was no ambulance available at the hospital to carry the dead body home.