Lucknow: Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Thursday directed officials to increase the bed strength in COVID-19 hospitals from nearly one lakh at present to 1.50 lakh by the end of June.
He also asked them to increase the testing capacity to 20,000 per day by June 20, an official release said. At present, the state is testing nearly 16,000 samples per day.
In a meeting with senior officials, the chief minister stressed on remaining alert and maintaining discipline during the unlock period.
There should be regular patrolling to check crowding in all places and precautions be taken in containment zones, he was quoted as saying in the release.
The chief minister reiterated use of public address system for creating awareness among the people and asked officials to use vehicles of PRV 112 and administrative magistrates for the purpose, the release said.
Adityanath also asked officials concerned to depute a special secretary-level officer who will take direct feedback from COVID-19 hospitals, besides instructing the chief medical officers to undertake inspections of these hospitals in their areas.