Lucknow: After a sweeping victory in the UP election results declared yesterday, Uttar Pradesh CM Yogi Adityanath on Friday tendered his resignation to Governor Anandiben Patel at Raj Bhavan in Lucknow. The resignation came after Yogi held talks with the cabinet ministers earlier today. His swearing-in ceremony will be held after the meeting of the BJP legislature party wherein the leader will be chosen in the next few days.
Meanwhile, Governor Anandiben Patel congratulated Yogi Adityanath on winning the elections as he swept the elections from the Gorakhpur Urban seat. Before giving his resignation, Adityanath chaired the last cabinet meeting of the first tenure in Lucknow.
The BJP has retained power in Uttar Pradesh by winning 255 out of 403 constituencies, securing a 41.29 percent vote share. This is the first time in 37 years that a party has been able to retain power in Uttar Pradesh after completing a full term. Narayan Dutt Tiwari in 1985 had secured two consecutive terms in the state.