New Delhi: Amid coronavirus scare, Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath has removed Noida District Magistrate BN Singh. Suhas Lalinakere Yathiraj has been appointed as the new DM. This move comes after Yogi Adityanath met the officers of the Health Department to take stock of the situation in Gautam Buddha Nagar and officers were scolded for being negligent on their part.
In a review meeting held at Gautam Buddha University with the District Magistrate BN Singh and Commissioner Alok Singh, CM Yogi reprimanded officers for not being able to stop the labourers who migrated from Delhi to Uttar Pradesh. When officers wanted to put forward their clarification, Yogi shouted at them and instructed them to stop.
Being upset with the officials for not carrying out their duties, Yogi asked,"What were you people doing from past two months"?
He further said that in spite of an alert being issued earlier, the task was not completed properly and the situation went out of control. Scolding the officers, especially the DM for not fulfilling the responsibility properly, saffron party leader warned them not to indulge in the blame game and work according to the directions issued.