Mirzapur: In a tragic incident reported from Uttar Pradesh, a woman working in the fields in the rural Kotwali area of Mirzapur district was mauled to death by a stray dog even as her husband was also injured in the attack after he came to rescue her on Friday, sources said. It is learnt that Basantu Bind Bhatauli and his wife Dulesara Devi, residents of Baraini Baripur in Kachwan area of Mirzapur were working in their fields when a stray dog suddenly appeared there and attacked Dulesara and mauled her in neck and face.
Hearing the screams, Basantu along with two others Shivlal and Hiravati, who were working nearby, rushed to the spot to save Dulesara. However, the dog bit all three of them leaving them injured. An official said that Dulesara died on the spot in the attack, while the three people injured in the dog attack were admitted to the hospital.