Aligarh (Uttar Pradesh): The Uttar Pradesh Police on Tuesday witnessed a shocking incident when one woman in Aligarh informed them that she was forced to join anti-Citizenship (Amendment) Act (CAA) protest.
"We had received information regarding some women who were forcefully participating in the anti-CAA protests," the UP Police said.
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Police also said that these women were told to sit in the protests.
"Today, we are visiting areas and asking people to refrain from participating the anti-CAA protests and trying to convince these women to not to attend such protests," they said.
During their rounds, one of the women informed the police officials that her husband had told her to join the anti-CAA protest against her will. However, her husband denied the allegation.
The police said that the matter will be investigated and people asking these women to join anti-CAA protests will be issued notice.
Scores of women had been sitting on the Jiwangarh bypass road for six days to protest against the CAA. The Aligarh administration was able to remove the protesters on March 1.
(ANI report)