Barabanki: In a shocking incident reported from Uttar Pradesh's Barabanki district, a woman was allegedly beaten and her head tonsured by people of her community for marrying outside her caste. The victim, in her complaint lodged with Fatehpur Kotwali police station, stated that a few people of her community, including relatives, first abducted her and then severely beat her up as they were against her marriage with a man of a different caste. The couple, belonging to the same village, had lost their parents long ago and were in a relationship for a long time. After getting married at a temple in their village on June 20, both of them started living in the dilapidated panchayat house of their village.
Woman beaten, tonsured for inter-caste marriage in Uttar Pradesh
A woman in Uttar Pradesh's Barabanki district had to pay the price for marrying outside her caste as she was beaten and her head tonsured by people of her community for doing so. The couple, belonging to the same village, had lost their parents long ago and were in a relationship for a long time.
Kotwali police station
Speaking on the matter, Additional Superintendent of Police (SP), Dr Awadhesh Singh said that the police have arrested three people in connection with the incident and also registered a case against eight people under the relevant sections of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) and Criminal Law Amendment Act.