Muzaffarnagar (Uttar Pradesh): At least five people, including a Class X student and an elderly woman, were injured after being attacked by a wild boar in a village here, police said. The incident happened in Tandeda village under Kakroli police station limits of the district on Saturday, they said.
Wild boar attacks five people in Uttar Pradesh
Five people were severely injured after a wild boar attacked five people in Uttar Pradesh's Muzaffarnagar. All the victims were taken to the nearby hospital and are undergoing treatment.
The boar is said to have entered the village from a nearby jungle and attacked several people. The injured were identified as Manish (16), Jumerati (55), Indervir Singh, Shahnawaz and Nyaju. All of them are undergoing treatment. The boar later fled to the safety of the jungle after unleashing terror in the village.
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