Ayodhya:The Shri Ram Mandir Teerth Kshetra Trust has been accused by the opposition parties of malpractices in the purchase of land. The Samajwadi Party and Aam Aadmi Party have alleged that the trust has purchased the land worth Rs 2 crores for Rs 18.5 crores. Later the Indian National Congress also jumped into this controversy and raised questions on the temple trust as well as the BJP-led government. However, the Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) has come forward to defend the temple trust in the matter.
VHP National Spokesperson, Vijay Shankar Tiwari spoke to ETV Bharat on the issue. He said that the leaders of some opposition parties are unnecessarily giving importance to the whole matter, while transparency has been ensured during the purchase of land. The land, which Sultan Ansari and Ravi Mohan Tiwari, purchased from Kusum Pathak and Harish Pathak for 2 crores, was completed in 2011. However, it was not registered during that time.
Also Read:Corruption allegations against Ram Janmabhoomi Trust
He further added that when Supreme Court's decision on the Ram Temple came and the temple construction work started, people started reaching from all over the country to acquire land in Ayodhya and its surrounding areas. Due to this the market price of land around Ayodhya also increased. The land which Sultan Ansari and Ravi Mohan Tiwari got registered with Kusum Pathak and Harish Pathak on March 18, was transferred to Ram Janmabhoomi Trust and was registered on the same day. That's why there is only a difference of few minutes in the time of both the registry.