Varanasi : In the case of the death of Bhojpuri film actress Akanksha Dubey, the investigating police received a report on the examination of Akanksha's clothes in the laboratory. After seeing this report, the police are preparing for the DNA test on the accused Bhojpuri singer Samar Singh and his brother Sanjay Singh to take the investigation to the next level.
Both the accused - Samar Singh and Sanjay Singh - are currently lodged in jail. The police have decided to seek permission from the court soon to go ahead with DNA tests on the duo along with two other suspects. On March 26, 2023, Akanksha Dubey's dead body was found in a hotel located in the Sarnath police station area of Varanasi.
After that incident, on March 27, on the complaint of Akanksha Dubey's mother Madhu Dubey, a case was registered against Samar Singh and Sanjay Singh for their alleged role in the death of the actress. Based on the complaint, the police arrested Samar Singh on 6 April. Since then, the police is continuously engaged in the investigation of the Teji case.
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Madhu Dubey's lawyer Shashank Shekhar Tripathi said that after the death of Akanksha Dubey, three expert panels of doctors had done the post-mortem of the dead body. After this, her viscera, her clothes and vaginal and anal swabs were sent for pathological and forensic examination. The report of her clothes has come now.
On the other hand, DCP Amit Kumar of Varuna Zone said that on the basis of the cloth test report, it has been decided to conduct DNA profiling of 4 people. For this, a written application will be given soon to seek permission from the court. After permission, samples of Samar Singh, Sanjay Singh, Arun Pandey and Sandeep Singh will be collected.
In the CCTV footage that surfaced after Akanksha's death, it was Sandeep Singh who dropped Akanksha at the hotel. At the same time, in another CCTV footage, Arun Pandey was seen partying with Akanksha in a restaurant and outside. Since then both are under investigation. This is the reason that preparations are being made to do DNA profiling of these four.