Amethi (Uttar Pradesh): The Uttar Pradesh Special Task Force (STF) was successful in killing the notorious mafia Vinod Upadhyay in an encounter in Sultanpur in the wee hours of Friday. With dozens of cases in his name, the criminal was one of the top 61 mafia gang leaders in Uttar Pradesh and there was a reward of Rs 1 lakh in his name.
The team was led by DYSP Deepak Kumar Singh in the Dehat Kotwali area of Sultanpur. According to sources, Upadhyay was injured during the encounter as there was heavy firing from both sides. He was rushed to a hospital where doctors declared him dead. According to the police, 35 criminal cases have been registered against Vinod Upadhyay since 1999. Recently, a case of extortion and criminal intimidation was registered against him in Gorakhpur in 2023, Director General of Police Prashant Kumar said.
Upadhyay came to the limelight during a gang war between his gang and Lal Bahadur's gang in Gorakhpur in 2007 in which his close associates Ripunjay Rai and Satyendra were killed. Upadhyay waited for seven years to avenge the death of his two aides. In May 2014, he shot Lal Bahadur dead near the main gate of Gorakhpur University.