Rae Bareli: In a shocking incident, a woman allegedly set a man on fire for merely asking her about his missing wife in Rae Bareli district of Uttar Pradesh, officials said on Monday. The victim has been identified as Anil Pandey while the accused has been identified as Reema Pandey. According to the victim Anil Pandey, the accused woman Reema Pandey, who is working as an official in the local court living in the neighborhood set him on fire by pouring petrol.
Anil said that his wife has been missing for three days. He said that on Monday morning, when he went to his wife's house to inquire about her whereabouts, Reema Pandey sprinkled petrol and set him on fire. When locals saw smoke emanating from the door of the house, people nearby rushed to the spot and extinguished the fire by pouring water and took Anil to the district hospital.
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