Lucknow: The Uttar Pradesh Lokayukta has started investigation against two more IAS officers on charges of corruption, sources said on Tuesday. It is learnt that Lokayukta Secretary Anil Kumar Singh has issued summons to IAS officer Alok Kumar posted as Principal Secretary Medical Education and IAS officer Ram Yagya Mishra, currently posted as Special Secretary, Medical Education.
In the summons to the two IAS officers, the Lokayukta Secretary has asked them to explain their position by 6th of September. Sources said that Kumar and Ram Yagya have been accused of misuse of office and corruption. The Lokayukta action comes after a complaint was lodged with the anti-graft body by the complainant Monika Singh, a resident of Lucknow.
Also read:MP tribal land scam: Three IAS officers under the lens of Lakayukta police; FIR registered
In her complaint, Monika had complained to the Lokayukta Sangathan that M/s Maxwell Technology, the executing company that had been awarded the tender for installation of the Central Medical Gas Pipeline System in the Autonomous State Medical College in Shahjahanpur in violation of norms. Monika alleged that the firm to which the work was allotted did not have the expertise mandated by the tender.
She said that the Principal Secretary Medical Education, for his personal benefit granted the work orders to the firm M/s Maxwell Technology. Likewise, it is alleged that the then MD of Small Industries Corporation, Ramayagya Mishra, who is currently posted as Special Secretary, Medical Education, also planned to allocate work to his favorite firm of Prayagraj by tampering with the specifications of the department and removing the particular clause on quality certificates.