Lucknow: The Yogi Adityanath led BJP government in Uttar Pradesh may impose strict restrictions on the 'Halal certification' of products with police registering an FIR on Saturday at Hazratganj police station in the capital Lucknow. According to government sources, preparations have been made to ban products with 'halal certificate' in Uttar Pradesh.
Government sources said that a “fraud is being run on a large scale in the name of Halal certification” in case of many products. “Among the products, dairy products, sugar, snacks, spices, soap, clothes are also being certified as Halal. Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath has taken cognizance of this entire matter and strict action will be taken to curb this,” a source said.
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Halal certification refers to the products deemed fit for consumption in Islam. The halal certification is used to inform the customer that the product does not contain any prohibited substances under the Islamic jurisprudence and no substance or item considered impure in any way has been used in the production.
Sources said that the products with Halal certification will be banned in Uttar Pradesh. In fact, a FIR has been registered against companies selling products with Halal certification in Hazratganj Kotwali. An official said that a case has been registered in Hazratganj police station on the complaint of social worker Shailendra Sharma against unknown companies selling goods with Halal certification like Halal India Private Limited Chennai, Jamiat Ulema Hind Halal Trust Delhi, Halal Council of India Mumbai, Jamiat Ulema Maharashtra Mumbai.
A case under IPC section 120 b/ 153A/ 298/ 384 /420 /467/ 468 /471/ 505 has been registered against the companies, the official said.