Lucknow (Uttar Pradesh): The Yogi Adityanath government on Wednesday sacked several officials charged with misuse of power, negligence in work, and corruption, sources informed. Consolidation officer Anuj Saxena of Muzaffarnagar was among those dismissed from service for not discharging his duties, sources informed.
The government has also withheld the annual salary increment of Consolidation Officer Shiv Shankar Prasad Singh, who was posted at Ballia and terminated the service of Assistant Consolidation Officer Manoj Kumar Neeraj, who was posted in Meerut. The state police was also directed to register an FIR against the latter, sources said.
Speaking to reporters, Consolidation Commissioner GS Naveen Kumar said disciplinary proceedings have also been initiated against Assistant Consolidation Officer of Amroha, Nitin Chauhan. Departmental action has also been initiated against Consolidation Officer Awadhesh Kumar Gupta as well as assistant consolidation officers Santosh Kumar Yadav and Akhilesh Kumar for alleged irregularities in work at Bani village in the Etawah district.
Consolidation Officer of Lekhpal, Om Narayan, was also suspended, sources informed. Naveen Kumar stated further that all the consolidation authorities of the state have been directed to discharge their official responsibilities properly, failing which strict action will be taken against them.