Sambhal:In a shocking case of sexual assault, a girl was allegedly gang-raped repeatedly for 20 days by four men after being kidnapped in Sambhal district of Uttar Pradesh, police said on Saturday. Police have arrested seven accused in the case including three women who aided the prime accused in the alleged sexual assault.
The arrests were made following a complaint by the victim at the concerned police station. In her complaint, the victim girl told police that on the morning of Sept 27, she was going to the house of her friend living in the neighborhood. While she was on her way, two youths riding a bike stopped her kidnapped her, the victim said.
The accused duo later intoxicated her and took her to a deserted place in Bahjoi area where they gang-raped her, the victim alleged in her complaint. Both the accused later took her to Moradabad, where they kept her hostage for 20 days and alonmg with two of their associates sexually assaulted her during the time period, she added.