Varanasi: In a shocking case, a female student has been allegedly molested an assaulted by her male counterparts inside the library of Banaras Hindu University (BHU) in Uttar Pradesh's Varanasi, sources said on Monday. Police have registered a case into the incident while the accused remains at large. The victim said that she was studying in the cyber library when the accused Saurabh Rai started misbehaving with her and her other colleagues after sitting beside her in the cyber library.
Also read:BHU withdraws order banning Holi celebrations inside campus
The female student alleged that when she was leaving the cyber library and going towards the central library, the accused abused her and along with his friend forcefully pushed her. The victim said that the abuse and assault has caused mental trauma. Following the incident, the victim approached the Lanka Police Station and lodged a complaint against the accused in the case.
On receiving the complaint from the student, police have registered a case and started investigation into the matter. Police officials said that investigation has been launched into the incident and a manhunt has been launched to nab the accused. The police team from Lanka police station has contacted the university administration in the matter.
Police is also examining the CCTV cameras of BHU's Central Library and Cyber Library, so that other accused can be traced. In another incident reported from BHU, Varanasi, the Dean of the Faculty of Commerce has been accused of undue favour for his son in the marking in a bid to make his eligible for gold medal.