Noida:Bigg Boss winner and YouTuber Elvish Yadav was questioned by the Noida Police early Wednesday in connection with a snake venom case, police said. Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCP) Noida, Harish Chander said, "YouTuber and Bigg Boss winner Elvish Yadav appeared before the Noida police in connection with the snake venom case."
Dr Nikhil Varshney, who headed the probe committee, told media agency that the veterinary department in its probe found that venom glands were missing in all nine snakes, including five cobras, that were rescued on November 3 from possession of the accused persons. Also, teeth were missing in eight of the nine snakes that were rescued. We were asked to conduct the inquiry by the Forest Department and we have submitted our report to it for further action, Dr Varshney said.
Divisional Forest Officer Pramod Kumar Srivastava said his department has received the inquiry report from the Veterinary Department and would now submit it in the court for further legal proceedings.
Yadav, winner of the reality show Bigg Boss OTT, was among those named in the FIR lodged here last week under provisions of the Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972. He was named in the FIR filed in the case along with five others. Five of those alleged accused have since been arrested by the Police. Noida police had on Tuesday sent a notice to Yadav in connection with the case. An FIR was registered against six people including Elvish Yadav in Noida Sector 49 police station for allegedly supplying snake venom at a rave party in Noida.