Lucknow: In a shocking incident, a man was seen carrying his sick wife on a cart from a police station to a Community Health Center in Basti district of Uttar Pradesh after cops denied to offer any help; the video of the incident is doing rounds on social media.
"After an argument at home, my brother resorted to domestic violence and he did beat my wife. Consequently, she suffered injuries and needed medical care. I went straight to the police station to lodge an FIR. On account of the information, they asked me to take my wife to a government hospital. However, I urged for their help and told them about my poor economic condition. They didn't bother to arrange an ambulance and I was therefore forced to carry my ailing wife to the hospital by pulling a cart," Dinesh Kumar, the husband of the woman said.
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According to the reports, the situation of hospitals across the Basti district of Uttar Pradesh is grim. In many cases, locals have complained about the non-availability of ambulances even when there's an emergency case.