Aligarh (Uttar Pradesh): A woman, who was hit by a bullet fired by a police inspector at Kotwali Police Station in Aligarh succumbed to her injuries on Wednesday. Ishrat Nigar(55) was undergoing treatment at AMU’s Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College for the last five days. The accused inspector Manoj Sharma, who shot the deceased has fled from the spot. The police have announced a reward of Rs 20,000 on him.
On December 8, Nigar came to the Crime and Criminal Tracking Network and Systems (CCTNS) office of Upperkot Kotwali police for passport verification. Manoj Sharma, who was checking the pistol then, fired a shot at the head of the deceased. The seriously injured woman was immediately taken to the hospital. However, the accused somehow managed to flee from the spot prompting the police to issue a non-bailable warrant against him.
The deceased's son Ishaan filed a case against Manoj Sharma under section 307 of the IPC. Cops are now conducting raids to arrest the accused inspector.