Kushinagar (Uttar Pradesh): The police registered a case against two youths for allegedly abducting and gangraping a 14-year-old minor girl in Kushinagar of Uttar Pradesh. The teenage girl was allegedly gang-raped for five days. The main accused in this case has been arrested. On November 2, the teenager was kidnapped from the Barwa Patti area of the district by the two bike-borne miscreants, sources said.
The girl was then taken to Ranglalahi village in Bihar where she was gang-raped for five days, said police officials. On the complaint of the victim's father, the police registered the case and arrested the main accused on Friday.
Additional Superintendent of Police Ritesh Kumar Singh said that "legal action will be taken against the accused after investigation. The victim has been sent for medical examination and her statement will be recorded. A woman and two youths have been booked under sections of kidnapping, gang rape, and POCSO Act, on November 7 on the complaint of the girl's father. "