Kanpur (UP): Sub Inspector, KK Sharma, who is under arrest presently allegedly due to his involvement in Kanpur ambush which resulted in the killing of eight police personnel by gangster Vikas Dubey and his aides, has approached the Supreme Court fearing threat to him and his wife.
Through this petition, he contends that after Vikas Dubey's encounter he fears that he also will be eliminated.
Further, he says that "even though being a part and parcel of the police department, (KK Sharma) is apprehending danger to his life and liberty due to the fact that as per the news reports, the accused persons, namely Vikas Dubey, Prabhat Mishra, Ranbir Shukla alias Bauva Shukla, Amar Dubey, Prem Prakash Pandey and Atul Dubey alleged to have escaped police custody and were shot dead by police teams under suspicious circumstances, while in the custody of the police and also being accompanied by numerous police teams of State of Uttar Pradesh".