(Uttar Pradesh) Lucknow: The Special Task Force of UP Police has arrested Salim Khan, a citizen from Nepal. During the investigation, Salim confessed that he had opened bank accounts using fake documents from Nepal and used them for financial transactions. It has also been learnt that such persons situated across various cities in UP have been creating fake Indian IDs.
UP Police have also launched a manhunt to nab the accomplices mentioned by Salim Khan, post the latter's arrest on Monday. Salim admitted to having been in contact with citizens from Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and Sudan via WhatsApp calls. Police have also seized fake Aadhaar card and Nepalese documents from him.
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According to an officer of UP STF, it has been revealed by Salim that many of his fellow Nepali accomplices who are working in various districts are creating fake documents in order to open bank accounts for doing financial transactions in Indian Rupee.
Also, these persons are using net banking to transfer money to other countries abroad. The UP Police are now busy chalking out a plan to nab such persons, as Salim spilt the beans during interrogation. Salim even named a few of his accomplices to the personnel during the investigation.