Agra: As many as six miscreants committed a major robbery at the Manappuram gold loan office and looted gold worth Rupees crores at Kamla Nagar area in Uttar Pradesh's Agra district on Saturday. As per the report, they took the employees hostage and took away 17 kg of gold jewellery and Rs 5 lakh cash. The incident was also recorded on the CCTV camera.
As soon as the matter was reported, the police initiated an investigation and killed two robbers during the gunfight. The gunfight between the police and robbers took place at Khandauli road near Etmadpur police station. The deceased robbers have been identified as Manish Pandey and Nirdosh Kumar. The police also recovered about half of the loot, 2 pistols and cartridges from their possessions. However, four robbers are still at large and police have launched an operation to nab them.