Shahjahanpur (Uttar Pradesh):Like the #MeeToo movement, with a woman speaking against sexual abuse and sexual harassment years after facing sexual abuse, a woman from Sahahjahanpur has alleged her two neighbours of rape when she was 12 years old. The mother of the 24-year-old son, filed a complaint in Shahjahanpur police station after her son asked her about the existence of his father.
According to the victim, two brothers, Nabi Hasan and Guddu, who were living next door in Shahjahanpur, raped repeatedly in the year 1994. Following which she got pregnant and gave birth to a baby boy in the next year.
She did not lodge FIR due to fear of social exclusion and threat by the accused and their family. After delivering a son, she gave the child to a childless couple in Hardoi who raised him. According to the victim, she did this act to save her family dignity.
She claimed that she got married but abandoned by her husband after six years of marriage when her husband came to know about the rape incident.
On the other hand, the boy, who attains the age of 24 this month, asked his foster parents about his father. The childless couple, who adopted him, told the address of his real mother who has been living alone in Lucknow.