Lucknow: Ahead of the Uttar Pradesh Assembly polls scheduled for next year, Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) chief Mayawati on Sunday said that the party would hold a 'Brahmin Sammelan' on July 23 in Ayodhya. Addressing a press conference in Lucknow, Mayawati said, "BSP will hold 'Brahmin Sammelan' on July 23 in Ayodhya ahead of the polls in the state. I am very hopeful that Brahmins will not vote for the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) in next Assembly polls."
She further stated that a campaign will be launched to assure the Brahmin community that their "interests are safe in BSP rule only." "A campaign in the leadership of BSP General Secretary SC Mishra will be launched from Ayodhya on July 23 to connect with Brahmin community and assure them that their interests are safe in BSP rule only," Mayawati said. Speaking about the Parliament's Monsoon session which is scheduled to begin on Monday, the BSP supremo said that there are several matters on which people are seeking accountability from Centre.