Pilibhit (Uttar Pradesh): A Kanwariya and his associate were arrested by the police in Uttar Pradesh's Pilibhit on Monday for brandishing a countrymade pistol during the religious procession undertaken on motorcycles. A video of the incident has gone viral on social media. After noticing the video on social media, police swung into action and arrested Pankaj Srivastava and his accomplice Maqbool. Sources said that a religious procession was undertaken in Puranpur town on Monday by the members of a Hindu organization. The ritual of offering holy water (Jalabhishek) was performed at Tretanath temple. Several devotees riding on bikes after fetching holy water from Sharda river went for Jalabhishek at Tretanath temple. A large contingent of the police force was deputed as a precautionary measure all along the Yatra route. The police heaved a sigh of relief after the religious procession passed off peacefully.
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