Baghpat (Uttar Pradesh): Solving the murder case of the BJP leader Dr Atmaram Tomar, the police have arrested two accused. The BJP leader was murdered at his house on 9 September. The accused had fled after the incident with the Scorpio SUV of Dr Atmaram Tomar. UP police said that the two accused who helped the mastermind of the murder case have been arrested.
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UP police is currently interrogating both the accused and they have been identified as Manmohan and Subhash. The cops have placed a reward of Rs 25,000 on both of them. On 9 September, the two accused killed the BJP leader at his residence. In the CCTV footage, two bike riders were seen going to Atmaram Tomar's house. After the incident, both of them escaped with the BJP leader's Scorpio car (UP 17 - S 2898).