Amethi: Due to the apathy of the health authorities, an attendant was forced to carry a patient literally in his lap for want of stretchers and staff in Uttar Pradesh's Amethi district on Thursday, the relatives alleged. On Thursday, Sunny Mishra, a resident of Hasrampur, was admitted to the district community health center in Jamo for treatment.
Apart from the pharmacist, there was no one present in the hospital with the ward boy and sweeper both absent from their duties, the attendants alleged. To add to the patient's woes, Mishra's attendants did not even get a stretcher for the patient who arrived for treatment in a critical condition. In a widely shared video, Mishra is seen being carried by a relative to an ambulance in the absence of a stretcher while a boy scrambles along, with the IV drip.
The pharmacist of the department present there, Kunwar Lal Singh said that the ward boy has been absent for a month. The sweeper has been shifted to some other place, he said.