Bareilly (Uttar Pradesh): A Bareilly court recently ordered the police to lodge a case against a village development officer and a village head who allegedly issued wrong birth documents after the children's family refused to give them a bribe.
According to the documents issued, two-year-old Sanket's year of birth has been shown as June 13, 1916 instead of June 13, 2018 which makes him 102 years old.
Sanket's elder brother Shubh who is four years old has got a certificate where his birth date is mentioned as January 6, 1916 instead of January 6, 2016."
Pawan Kumar of Bela village under the Khutar police station of Shahjahanpur had moved court alleging that birth certificates of his nephews Shubh, 4, and Sanket, 2, were issued with wrong years of birth.