Lucknow:Ahead of the Uttar Pradesh urban local body elections, the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has hit out at the Opposition Samajwadi Party (SP) and its supremo Akhilesh Yadav through music. In its new campaign song, BJP has come up with a parody titled, 'Gunde pukarte hain Akhilesh aaiye', and alleged of utter lawlessness in Uttar Pradesh during Akhilesh Yadav's regime. This is apparently a parody of Yadav's campaign song titled, 'Janata pukarti hain Akhilesh aaiye', released last year.
BJP's newly released campaign song, which the party posted on Twitter, shows visuals of Muzaffaranagar riots and violence while making reference to gangster-turned politicians Mukhtar Ansari and Atiq Ahmed, who was recently shot in police custody in Prayagraj. In a montage of visuals, Yadav is seen holding 'tonti' (taps), referring to the allegations of tap water theft during SP's regime. There are also visuals of riots, violence and women being harassed on the streets. It shows Yadav meeting Mukhtar Ansari, Atiq Ahmed and Gayatri Prajapati.
Launching an attack on the SP chief and calling SP a 'party of goons', the song goes on like 'Gunde pukarte hai Akhilesh aaiye, dangon mein phirse UP ko wapas jalaiye' (goons are calling upon Akhilesh Yadav so as to ensure that the state returns to lawlessness). In a reference to the nexus between Yadav and Mukhtar Ansari and Atiq Ahmed, the lyrics are 'Apradiyon ko neta banaya tumhi ne tha. Atiq aur Mukhtar ka uddhar tumhi se tha' (you made the criminals politicians and gangsters like Mukhtar Ansari and Atiq Ahmed are supported by Yadav).