Ballia:Uttar Pradesh Minister Anand Swarup Shukla on Wednesday said Muslim women will be "freed" from the practice of wearing 'burqa', which he described as an evil custom and compared it to the banned triple talaq.
This comes a day after the minister wrote to the Ballia district magistrate, complaining that he is facing difficulties in discharge of his duties due to loudspeakers at mosques and said their volume should be fixed according to the court orders.
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"Muslim women will be freed from 'burqa' like triple talaq. There will come a time when they will get rid of it. There are many Muslim countries where 'burqa' is banned," Shukla told reporters, without elaborating on his claim.
The Muslim Women (Protection of Rights on Marriage) Act 2019 makes the practice of instant divorce through "triple talaq" among Muslims a punishable offence.
Under the provisions of the Act, a Muslim man who pronounces "triple talaq" upon his wife can be sentenced to a jail term that may extend to three years.