Barabanki (UP): UP Minister Satish Sharma faced flak from the opposition Monday after a video surfaced online showing him washing his hands at a shivling in the Lodheshwar Mahadev temple here. The video clip showed Minister of State for Food and Civil Supplies washing his hand in the 'argha,' or the base, of the shivling with the help of a priest.
Congress and the Samajwadi Party took exception to the act and demanded the resignation of the minister for "insulting the Sanatan dharma. Minister Sharma countered the allegations saying he did nothing wrong, if he had, the priest would have stopped him. The priest of the temple said that as the minister had 'prasad' in his hand, he helped him wash them in the 'argha' of the shivling and there was nothing wrong with this. The incident happened on August 27, when Sharma visited the temple with Public Works Minister Jitin Prasad.
Sharma and district in-charge minister Jitin Prasad had gone to Hetmapur village of Ramnagar tehsil to distribute relief material to the flood victims and both of them had stopped to pray at the temple. UP Congress President Ajay Rai said, "The minister should know what he is doing. Will we wash our hands when we offer water and pay our respects? The minister has insulted Sanatan Dharma."Congress leader Surendra Rajput said Satish Sharma had insulted the Lord Shiva with his act and must be sacked.