Lucknow:Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Saturday assured the family members of martyred policemen that his government is committed to taking all necessary measures to ensure their welfare. Speaking at the Police Memorial Day Parade at the Reserve Police Lines here, the chief minister said his government stands with full sensitivity with the families of police personnel who laid down their lives in the line of duty.
"Three brave police personnel of the state police force are among the martyrs who sacrificed their lives in the line of duty during 2022-23. The supreme sacrifices of these brave individuals continue to serve as a profound source of inspiration, encouraging all to perform their duties with unwavering dedication and a strong sense of responsibility," an official release quoted Adityanath as saying.
The Uttar Pradesh government is committed to taking all necessary measures with utmost sensitivity to ensure the welfare of the families of the martyred policemen, he said. Commending the unwavering dedication of police personnel, he said, they upheld the paramount importance of their duties and maintained a robust and healthy law and order system to combat crime within the state even in challenging circumstances.