Kaushambhi (UP): The Kaushambhi police have arrested one fisherman after a video of a Gangetic dolphin being caught and carried away went viral on social media. The group of fishermen caught and killed a Gangetic dolphin, weighing around one quintal, that strayed into the Yamuna on the banks of Nasirpur village under Pipri police station of Uttar Pradesh's Kaushambhi district.
Taking cognizance of the video, the forest officials carried out investigations and arrested the fisherman identified as Ranjit. Forest ranger of Chail forest range, Ravindra Kumar, in his complaint to the police, said in the morning on July 22, fishermen Ranjit, Sanjay, Deewan, Babaji and Gendalal were fishing in the Yamuna when a Gangetic dolphin got trapped in their net. The accused caught the dolphin and later feasted on it. The video and photographs of the dolphin, which is estimated to be weighing around one quintal, went viral on social media.
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