Etah (Uttar Pradesh):The Uttar Pradesh police on Tuesday claimed that a total of 1,452 cartons of seized liquor have gone missing from Kotwali dehat police station of Etah.
Meanwhile, cops at the police station argue that the rats were to blame for the destruction of the cartons.
According to police, the rats chewed the plastic cans containing illicit liquor and broke glass bottles and other bags containing liquor.
A senior police officer of the district said, "A week ago, it came to light that around 1,450 cartons of illicit liquor seized has been missing from Kotwali Dehat police station."
When asked whether some cartons have been damaged by rats, the police officer said, "The general diary of the police does mention that 239 cartons were damaged by rodents. However, this is not acceptable, and it seems that the matter is fishy. It has been probably done to cover the goof-up."
A case has been registered against SHO Indreshpal Singh and clerk Rishal Singh. Both of them had not turned up to provide an explanation for the incident despite summons issued in their names, he said.
Meanwhile, Vikas Kumar, a police officer from Aligarh who is probing the case, said, "Efforts are on to ascertain as to where the seized liquor has gone."
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