Gorakhpur (Uttar Pradesh):Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath will let a white tigress into the main enclosure at Gorakhpur zoo, and will also name two leopard cubs. The white tigress named Geeta was brought to the Gorakhpur zoo, two and a half months ago and the move comes amid the ongoing Wildlife Week celebrations at the zoo. The zoo administration is busy preparing for the Chief Minister's programme on October 5.
"The credit for setting up a zoo in Gorakhpur goes to Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath. He launched it on March 2021. His intention is to make Gorakhpur Zoo (Shaheed Ashfaqullah Khan Zoological Park) one of the rarest zoos in the country. On his own initiative, during his second Chief Ministership, it was decided to give the gift of white tiger to Gorakhpur Zoo in the 100-day action plan of the government," read a statement.