Lucknow: UP Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Thursday flayed the opposition for keeping away from the special session of the UP legislature, saying they don't have faith in 'democratic values' and ideologies of Mahatma Gandhi.
The 36-hour special session of the Uttar Pradesh legislature to mark the 150th anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi began at 11 am on Wednesday.
"The opposition is boycotting the special session organised to mark the 150 birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi. They are those who don't have faith in democratic values and ideologies of Mahatma Gandhi," Adityanath said in his address in the UP Legislative Council.
The Chief Minister, who addressed the assembly on Wednesday, addressed the Council at 11 am today. He charged that for the opposition 'power' is a medium for 'vyaktigat loot khasoot' (personal loot) and has nothing to do with the public welfare.