Lucknow:UP Board 10th and 12th Result 2022 will be announced on June 18, Uttar Pradesh Madhyamik Shiksha Parishad (UPMSP) said on Friday. "The high school (Class 10th) results will be declared at 2 PM, while the Intermediate (Class 12th) results will be announced at 4 PM on Saturday, June 18," UPMSP said in a press release. The UP board exams of both Class 10 and 12 began from March 24 till April 13.
Conducted by UPMSP, the exams were held in two shifts i.e. morning (8 am to 11.15 am) and afternoon (2 pm to 5.15 pm). CCTV cameras were installed in every exam hall of all 8,373 centres across the state. Of these exam centres, 6,398 were located in rural areas and 1,975 in urban areas. The state government had declared 861 exam centres 'sensitive' and 254 as 'very sensitive'.