Moradabad:During his appearance at the Moradabad court during a hearing, Samajwadi Party MP Azam Khan on Thursday indirectly hit out at the Lulu group. Claiming the word 'Lulu' does not exist in the Arabic language, Khan significantly accused the group of being 'fundraisers for RSS', also accusing the corporation of arranging for namaz and kicking up a row regarding the issue.
"The word that you or I use doesn't exist. If you read Arabic, you will notice that the word is not there. The one (who gave the name) is a fundraiser for RSS. He built this mall. He was the one to bring in the 'namazis'. He was the one to start this row. If anything, he should be the one to change this name.
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But, he won't, as he is earning money with this name. He should introspect and be the one to provide the answers, not me. The answers will not come from me," Khan said. Replying with satire to questions of a rift within the Samajwadi Party, the MP said, "You should bring in cement to keep (the party) in place".
The mall, owned by UAE-based Lulu group, was inaugurated by UP CM Yogi Adityanath on July 11. On July 13, a video of a group of people offering namaz inside mall premises went viral, leading several Hindu organizations, including Akhil Bharat Hindu Mahasabha, to protest outside mall premises and demand to offer prayers inside the mall. Subsequently, an FIR was lodged against the group, and arrests were carried out by the police in this regard.