Kushinagar: In a shocking incident, a four-year-old girl has been raped by a 16-year-old boy in Uttar Pradesh's Kushinagar. It is alleged that the 16-year-old accused, who lives in the neighbourhood of the victim, raped the girl twice in the past month. Parents alleged that the accused lured their daughter while she was playing at home on the pretext of toffee and sexually assaulted her a month ago.
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The girl's parents said that when their daughter returned home she was bleeding from her private parts after which they took her to a private hospital where the sexual assault was confirmed. The girl's father said that the village elders instead of rendering justice to them suppressed the case and did not allow them to lodge a complaint with the police.
This emboldened the accused, who on Sunday raped the girl for the second time, the girl's parents said. The girl's father said that the locals again started exerting pressure on them for a patch-up. Furthermore, “They started talking about getting the expenses of the girl's treatment from the family of the accused,” he alleged.
Finally, the father of the victim lodged a complaint against the accused on Thursday with the police. Superintendent of Police Kushinagar Dhaval Jaiswal said that after receiving the complaint from the victim's father, both parties were called to the police station on Friday. While police launched a probe into the case while the accused is absconding.